The global energy · chemical company has become one to create a new future
that reflects people, technology, and the environment.
As for the color representation of Hanwha Total, fore primary colors are applied first.
However, when the black color variation is applied, the symbol mark of each company
should maintain 3 Tone (Hanwha) / 4 Tone (Total). The representation of gold and
silver colors is only applied in special cases and should comply with the color regulations
for negatives when certain background colors are applied.
Korean logotypes of ‘한화’ and ‘토탈’ should be applied as the same logotype used in the company logotype(‘한화’ with Hanwha official font; ‘토탈’ with 맑은고딕). English logotypes of ‘Hanwha’ and ‘Total’ also should be applied as the same logotype used in the company logotype(‘Hanwha’ with Hanwha official font; ‘Total’ with Total Next font), with ‘Petrochemical’ in Arial Regular font.